What is this?

This site is a my pet project. I use it to try random things as a web dev, for the list of fun links I've bookmarked (they're on the home page), and also for my blog. The links include cool blogs I enjoy reading, useful deposits of information on various topics, and fun stories and ideas that I enjoyed learning.

I graduated with a degree in computer engineering from McMaster Engineering, in Hamilton ON. I worked for Amazon in Seattle for a year, quit, and moved to Waterloo where I work on HodlBot.

I enjoy coding, drumming, climbing, volleyball, rocket league, smash bros melee, learning, and lounging around :)

Some details about this site:

  • All source code is on my Github, specifically here.
  • All the of the CSS is custom! I did this as a personal exercise in CSS knowledge.
  • I make good use of Sass for all the CSS.
  • The backend REST API is powered by Django, with the help of the Django REST Framework.
  • The backend uses DynamoDB as a data source. There is no SQL database attached (I'm cheap; those things are relatively expensive to host. Go AWS free tier!).
  • This whole site is hosted serverlessly on AWS Lambda, and I use Zappa for easy deploying.
  • Frontend used to use Angular. I removed it because I really don't need it for this, and it was slowing the whole site down. I used it initially because I wanted to learn Angular, and this was a good way to learn it! The legacy frontend repo is here, which I'm keeping around as a reference for myself. Since removing it, this page comes in at under 80KB. (not including the calvin and hobbes pic but that's hopefully cached for you).

Work Experience

Here is where you can find a copy of my resume, when I get around to uploading it.